Welcome to ParCFD 2020 --> 2021


32nd Parallel Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference (ParCFD21)

May 17-19, 2021

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Parallel CFD is an annual international conference devoted to the discussion of recent developments and applications of parallel computing in the field of Computational Fluid Dynamics and related disciplines. 

Since the establishment of the ParCFD conference series, many new developments and technologies have emerged. Emergence of multi-core and heterogeneous architectures in parallel computers has created new challenges and opportunities for applied research and performance optimization in advanced CFD technology. 

Over the years, the conference sessions involved papers on parallel algorithms, numerical methods and challenging applications in science, engineering and industry.

ParCFD 2020 will include contributed and invited papers, panel discussions and mini-symposiums with specific themes.  Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

  • Parallel Algorithms and Solvers

  • Extreme-Scale Computing

  • Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Applications

  • Atmospheric and Ocean Modeling

  • Medical and Biological Applications

  • Fluid-Structure Interaction

  • Turbulence 

  • Combustion

  • Acoustics

  • Multi-disciplinary Design Optimization

  • Multi-Scale and Multi-Physics Applications

  • Software Frameworks and C/G-PU Computing



Key dates

The new dates of the conference are as follows:

 Abstract submission deadline: January 15, 2021
 Notification to the authors:  January 29, 2021
 Earlybird registration until: March 2, 2021
 Parallel CFD Conference: May 17-19, 2021
 Full paper submission: July 31, 2021. Will be published in as a special issue of Computers and Fluids Journal








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